Will it ever stop? Yo, I don’t know

It’s a gray morning out there today. Good morning, happy Saturday! All that stands before me and the weekend, it’s just a short shifty shift today. Should be easy. Hopefully, it’ll go nice and quickly.

If I’m doing my math correctly, this is my 800th post in a row. Eight. Hundred. That’s a lot of you ask me. I don’t think I’ve ever done some for 800 days. In. A. Row. That’s pretty impressive to me. Here’s to another 800 posts!

Coffee has been brewed, and is being consumed. I think I slept pretty ok. I fell asleep pretty quickly, but I feel like I was tossy turny. And I’m pretty stuffed up.

Dateline is on the TV this morning. Curtesy of NBC News Now on YouTube. It’s nice on Saturdays, it’s a marathon of Dateline.

We went out to one of the local restaurants for dinner last night. It’s a nice change, and they make some kick ass burgers. So good burgers, and along with that, they give you a butt load of fries as well. We had some really yummy burgers, and came back to the Flat.

But I’m happy it’s the weekend. Bring it on!!

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