When you’re with me, baby, the skies’ll be blue

I woke up just before the alarm went off. I was wedged between 2 kittens, and Crystal. It was a really great way to wake up. The kittens were on either side of my legs – which explains why my legs are a little stiff this morning.

Good morning my friends. It’s a cool, but bright and sunny day here in TinyTown. Not too much of a breeze, but it’s very bright outside.

Yesterday at work wasn’t too bad. BossLady was supposed to be in the office, but she decided to work from home before her motorcycle test in the afternoon. I was expecting a couple of deliveries. I only had to stay an hour over. But both deliveries went off without a hitch.

I just have to move one of the deliveries into the trailer, and get in contact with the clients to see if next Tuesday would be fine for a delivery. We’ll see.

But right now, some news and some coffee. Happy Wednesday everyone. The weekend is getting closer.

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