When I was six years I broke my leg

Good morning y’all! Happy Saturday. I got up, dressed and had coffee brewing. Then decided to chance as its supposed to be almost 30c today. So I’m in shorts and my Patriots jersey. I have coffee in front of me, and I’m watching “Forged in Fire”. Good morning!

So, in about an hour, I’ll be heading a few streets over to go to a yard sale that is boasting; books, kitchen stuff, games, tools, etc. We’ll see if there’s any good books there.

In the THIS BELONGS IN A MUSEUM folder, I present to you a blast from the past. When floppy disks were all the rage. Gather around children, before flash-drives were a thing, you moved data around with floppy disks. I remember installing Windows NT via floppy. It wasn’t fun. I believe it was over 100 floppies.

I present to you; THE SONY MAVICA!

Behold it’s glory!

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