What powers you ask? I dunno how ’bout the power of flight?
That do anything for ya? That’s levitation, holmes

Good morning everyone. It’s time to wakey wakey. I myself, just rolled out of bed when the alarm went off. It sounded like it had been going off for a long time.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

But it was a good sleep nonetheless.

You remember last weekend when I said I was going for a road trip with my parents? That was to pick up the wood pellets for the wood stove. As of Thursday when I went over to drop off the mail, they were still sitting on the trailer waiting to be hauled in.

I told my mom yesterday evening that I’d be over early today to help haul them in. My dad did it all yesterday. I get to yell at him this afternoon when I get there. He should’ve called me to help him.

I would’ve been over right after work yesterday, instead of sitting on the couch. In my defence l, I thought he was harvesting, so I didn’t think anything of it.

Ok, I’ve rambled enough, and the coffee is just about ready. Let’s start today! Happy Sunday!

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