What I say and I ain’t gonna waste my time sayin’ it all again

Good morning my friends. It’s a bright and sunny morning here in our corner of the world. I’ve been mostly up since about 6:30. I was a little chilly and tried to get as close to Crystal as possible. But it wasn’t my front that was cold, it was my back.

Then the alarm went off.

The coffee has been made.

And is being consumed.

It was a pretty good day yesterday. I played just a little bit of TotK. Then I thought we could have some fun, so I put on Raider of the Lost Ark. I always forget what a good movie it is. After that, Temple of Doom. I always forget what a weak movie that is. I don’t think that there would be the number of Indians Jones movies if that one had been released first.

I made chicken wings for dinner for myself, and spicy chicken sandwiches for Crystal. I have to say that the meal was pretty good. I was full.

So all in all, the lazy day was a good day. Happy Tuesday y’all!!

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