Well hello there. I was a rebel, and last night I shut off the alarm in hopes of sleeping in a little bit. I figured that I’d sleep until 8 at the latest. I was up at 6:30. I fell back asleep and made it to wait for it, 7:30. Wow can I sleep in.
With this amount of sleep, I could almost say that I was 100% fully rested. It’s all good, I’ve figured out how to be fully rested after a sleep. This a huge boost to sleep studies.
It’s the weekend. And we have absolutely no plans to speak of. We’re on our own for Sunday dinner, as my dad has an MRI scan scheduled for Sunday. So I’ll wander up to Shady Acres sometime this morning, and drop off a Mother’s Day card, and the weeks mail. That also means that I have to sit down and pay some bills.
That’ll be fun.
But it’s a bright and warm Marni g out there, and I need some more coffee. I hope y’all have a great weekend. It’s shaping up to be a good one here.