Well you’re the real tough cookie with a long history

Good morning everyone who stumbles upon my rantings. It’s a grayish day, but let me tell you the sunrise was epic on this Friyay morning. You know what they say. It looked like the sky was on fire. Lots of red in the sky this morning.

I don’t recall kitty shenanigans in the night, but I don’t think we had any cats sleeping on the bed. I think they’re still trying to figure out their own night time routines. I’m sure eventually, they’ll both come to bed, and snuggle in for the night.

Coffee is brewing, and we’re slowly waking up here. The cats have been fed, and I think Pippin is trying to get Chaucer to play. She tries so hard to play with him, but she’s so much faster than he is.

She’ll run up to him, and then dart away before he can turn around and see what she’s doing. It’s actually cute to see. She’s just so much fast than he is. You remember the squirrel in the movie Over the Hedge? That’s Pippin.

Ok, must consume some coffee. Again, happy Friyay!

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