Good morning. Almost there, it’s the middle of the week. Yep. I’m light on words this morning. Work was ok. A little crazy towards the end, as some Canadian furniture companies complained to the government about furniture dealers buying from China and Vietnam, so the government added tariffs and has now made it impossible to cheaply import from those companies. So it’s gonna be a crazy week, scrambling to find replacement furniture for customers.
Yesterday, I popped over to the library for a take and make craft. I got my failed herb garden there, this month, it’s a hobbit wreath. It looks really cute, and if a 5 year old can make it, I’m sure that I can as well.

No where does it say that I need parental supervision, so I should be good to make this. Maybe I’ll make it this weekend. Hopefully, it’ll look like the picture.
I only have 1 more episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. it’s a good show. I’ll have to figure out what to watch next. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to watch next?