Well my baby and me went out late Saturday night

Another work day done. It’s been slow this week. I think our biggest rush was 3 or 4 people. At once. I know, crazy right. We’re getting a touch screen for our POS, tomorrow. I told BossLady that, that’s when everyone is going to want to come and buy stuff. She agreed.

Crystal is playing her video game, and is currently fighting some sort of mole-beast-monster, or something like that. I think she’s winning, but I’m not too sure.

It’s a gray day out there, and it’s been threatening to rain all day. It was starting to get serious about it on the drive home. Hopefully it’ll hold off, because it’s Thursday, and I remembered that the second hand store is open today. So maybe after Crystal finishes killing the mole-beast-monster, we’ll check out what they got.

I’m gonna try and force myself not to nap this afternoon. Or maybe I’ll nap, and we’ll go to the second hand store after. Who knows!

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