Everyone that lives in this house is still here, we haven’t been raptured. So that’s a good thing. I watched the solar eclipse at work yesterday. It was pretty neat, if you ask me. And it killed a couple of minutes during a dead time. I took a few pictures of it. But like concert videos, I’ll probably never look at them again.
Up again at 4:30. It was a little easier today, but still a chore to roll out of bed and start the day. Chaucer got up with me. Pippin was asleep on the couch, but got up shortly after I started to turn the lights on.
It’s starting to get warmer outside. While the sun was out it was great. I didn’t have to wear a jacket or toque to go outside, but as the morning turned to afternoon, the clouds crept in. Thus, it started to cool off again. That’s one of the reasons that spring isn’t my favorite season; you never know how to dress.
And just think, I get to do it all over again tomorrow.
And, I can’t even nap. My mom is supposed to be around sometime this afternoon to pick up some mail, that I offered to walk up to her. Other than that, I think we’re pretty much all caught up.

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