We about to climb, wild, ’cause it’s about to go down

Awake! The kitties let us sleep in until 7:44 this morning. Pippin is trying to get Chaucer to play with him. He’s sitting on the purste chest, trying to stay out of her tromp zone. He just wants a lap to snuggle in.

It’s Sunday! Chore day! Crystal has suggested that I don’t do the clothes laundry today, and just to the sheets. And she’d do the clothes on Tuesday. I don’t think I can do that. I can leave the sheets for her, but I’ll do the clothes. Not that I don’t think she can do it, it’s routine, and I need the clothes for Tuesday hahaha

Coffee has brewed, and just like every time I sleep in, I feel behind the eight ball in terms of what I should be doing today. I’ll start the chores shortly, just trying to wake up a little.

The haunted hotel is done for the year, with just the kids show left for this evening, which I think we’ll skip. Maybe even I’ll participate next year. Who knows. I don’t want any type of responsibility. I did like that we could just basically leave when we wanted too. So we’ll see. I had a blast just watching people enter the “big top”, and freak out before entering the haunted hotel actual.

With Pippin snuggling on my lap, I’ll get more coffee and start the chores once she decides to get up, or if I have to pee. Happy Sunday everyone!

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