Good morning! Posting a little late this morning, because the alarm scared me this morning. So I’m a little slow. I slept like the dead last night.
Anyways, it’s wait for it, Friyay! I didn’t get as mush done as I wanted to yesterday. The afternoon hinges on getting the work truck running.

To make a long story short, after a half hour/45 minutes, it just wouldn’t start. I cleaned out the bed of all the snow. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it started today.
Fingers crossed.
Happy Friday all, and is it Thursday yet? I know that’s the tagline for Critical Role, but I ask the same thing, because that when BossLady is out of the office. She’s back today. Ugh. I think today will be just a little bit of a shit show today.
I’ll report back tomorrow if it is, or isn’t.