Watch the band through a bunch of dancers

Good morning. We, well, I slept in. I don’t know about Crystal, but I made it until 7:44 according to the alarm clock. I woke to Pippin leaping across the bed to attack Crystal’s fingers and toes. Every morning the girls play in the bed. It’s very cute seeing Pippin fox jump on toes.

‘‘Twas a Long day yesterday. Worked the Saturday shift. Actually had a good sale, and was just about to start pulling some discontinued fabrics when BossLady rolled in. Thankfully it was about 1:15, meaning only about 45 minutes left in the shift. I of course dropped what I was doing and did what she wanted. Under her direction I took about 30 photos of sheet sets, towels, sham sets etc, and put them on instagram stories. By the time I was finished that, it was time to go.

I picked up Crystal, and we started the drive to BiggerTown. It’s not a bad drive, and is a lot shorter than the drive to CapitalCity. We hit a couple of stores, then it was off to Walmart. I think we bought the store! Lots of stuff, but everything we got, we needed. That’s a good thing! From there, we hit the weed store, and grab some McDonald’s to eat. Then it was back on the road back home.

It was a little late when we got back. We fed and loved on the kittens, showered and fell asleep, quickly.

Now we’re up, and have coffee. And a kitten between us and one happily on my lap. She’ll be a little upset when I get up to get more coffee and to prep the laundry.

Happy Sunday y’all!

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