Upstairs and down the hall

My grandmother was up before me today. I know it’s two things:

  • She went to bed at like, 6 last night.
  • She has a hair appointment this morning.

She always does this. If we have some where to be, she’ll get up hours before. Because it usually takes her about 3 hours to eat breakfast, because she plays on her iPad, and forgets about her breakfast. So literally within 5 minutes of me getting up, I’m having a full blown conversation about why my father didn’t bring the trailer back to work, and how there’s two coffee pots in the kitchen, and how she prefers instant coffee.

Me in the other hand passed out at 9:40, and I don’t think I moved until sometime in the middle of the night when I had to pee, and then about 5:30 to pee again. Then I slept until my alarm went off. And the best thing; I’m not sore at all! That’s definitely a good thing.

Yesterday we went to SlightlyBiggerTown to finally get the wood pellets. We had lunch, where I had a shit-Tonne of bacon. It was glorious. They loaded all on the trailer for us, minus 30 bags – which due to a communication error, we’re sold. We have to go back and get them, as well as drop off the pallets. We get back to TinyTown, and we got 120 40lb bags downstairs and set up just how my dad wants them.

We don’t need that bum Tom Brady anymore! 1-0 baby! The road to the Super Bowl goes through Gillette baby!

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