Good rainy afternoon my friends. I hope y’all are safe and happy. I’m home now, just in time. It’s just started to rain here. Add to that, some gusty high winds, and you have a pretty crappy afternoon
I got home, and the bog witch was of course sitting in the dark, which prompted me in asking if I had paid the power bill. She laughed, I laughed, the bog gurgled.
Wait, what?
I’m home as I said, and Chaucer has jumped up into my lap, and has made himself very comfortable. It’ll suck for him if I go and lay down. Which I might.
So yeah, that’s the day. I think I might go and lie down. Maybe I can convince Crystal to put down the video game controller and come and nap. Probably not. She’s kicking ass at the game. Well snuggle what I get up in a little bit.