Two trailer-park girls go ’round the outside, ’round the outside, ’round the outside

Morning. I’ve been up on and off since about 4:30ish. Tossy turny. I think it was around 6 when I was finally pain free and somewhat comfortable. But I was still tossy turny, which probably helped Crystal wake up earlier than me.

The bbq yesterday was really nice. It was really nice to see my gramma. It’s a small town here, and she had commented that we should visit more. It’s hard to see her in a home. With her dementia, it’s hard to have conversations with her. But I’ll try to get over to the home a little more.

After that, it was back to work for a few hours. It wasn’t too hectic, BossLady and I got a couple of things finished, and I brought in a delivery. Not too much only a couple of pallets of dining furniture. So it wasn’t too heavy.

We were under a thunderstorm warning last night, and lemme tell you, it didn’t disappoint. The skit was being lit up, and the thunder … well, thundered last night. The first year that I was here, I experienced the night sky being lit up a couple of times, it’s always so neat when it happens.

But it’s a new day here, and we’re both up and bright eyed and bushy tailed. Bring on Thursday!

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