It is bright out there. Very bright. And so far, warm out there. I opened the window for the kittens. Both kittens are sitting on the table looking out the window.
The coffee has been brewed and we’re quietly consuming. Dateline is playing on TV. Soon, chores will start. I’ll be helping Crystal with her hair this morning as well. So that’ll be fun and interesting, as I’ve never helped with loc maintenance.
Yesterday was a pretty nice day. Just gray. It was nicely warm, but today, not a cloud in the sky, and the sun is very warm. It should be a nice day out there.
We popped over to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, and other random stuffs. It was a nice day for a drive. I think we were in and out in our usual time.

So, let’s get our coffee on, and enjoy this beautiful morning. Happy Sunday, y’all!