Too many cooks, it’s true the saying goes it’ll spoil the broth honey, I think that’s not true

I’ve had to check twice. Once last night and once just right now to make sure that it was Monday and not Tuesday.

I’m still not 100% convinced.

But the coffee is brewing, and the birds are singing their little bird songs.

It’s another sunrise in TinyTown!

Yesterday was pretty good. I went over to Shady Acres for dinner. Roast beer, and it was pretty good.

I fielded multiple questions about Warhammer from my mom. It took a couple of hours, but I think she was fishing for Christmas ideas. If I was collecting orcs, it would be easier to embarrass her if she went in to the Games Workshop store.

I used to do that when I was a teen. What do you want for Christmas? Um, the newest Barenaked Ladies album, or Big Nakeds album. I’d love to get Chumbawumba’s album.


I’m out. I need coffee. Happy Monday everyone!

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