Tie me up like I’m surprised

I’ve been up for 15 minutes. I dragged myself out of bed this morning. I almost fell back asleep after my alarm went off, but I willed myself to roll out of bed.

I get up, get dressed, and brushed my teeth. I stumble out into the kitchen to make coffee. I just get the TV turned on, and my gramma comes out to ask what day it is. She really has no concept of time anymore. 5 minutes to her can be two hours. She loses more days, because of it.

Shawshank, what day is it? Is it Sunday?”

Yes gramma, it’s Sunday.

Every Sunday, she has a pill to take. Every Sunday, she makes a big deal out of taking this pill, as if to say look at me, I’m doing what I’ve been told. The dementia, and Alzheimer’s have really turned her back into a child. It’s hard sometimes. She really know how to push my moms buttons.

Coffee, be right back. I need this liquid gold right now.

But this blog isn’t about to be all depressy pants or anything. We positive here. Today I have some chores to do. I have to clean the pellet stove, and there should be a book club sometime today, and just plan bubblegum and happiness!

Happy Sunday! It’s gonna be a pretty good day! Enjoy today everyone! Let’s do this!!

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