Throw some ass, free the mind

Today, Pippin is really determined to not let me sleep at all. AT ALL. sometime this morning, she was trying her hardest to get into the bedroom closet. Wouldn’t stop. So I finally got up and got her out of the bedroom, where I heard her run all over the house. Yay.

This afternoon, after not having the greatest of sleeps, I went into the bedroom for a nap. About 20-35 minutes into said nap, Princess Bitch decided to walk all over me like a jungle gym. So here I am, awake. And not liking it.

Work was slow until yesterday’s truck showed up this morning. So we started to put that away, and just about done with that truck, today’s orders came. So we started to put that way, then of course all the customers decided to come. Not all? Just the ones that didn’t drink six jugs of coffee in the first hour.

Good times.

Oh, and the weather feels like fall. I’m not ready for fall yet. I want the summer for another 2 weeks, please.

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