I’m awake, but I’m not liking it. I didn’t sleep great. My shoulder was bothering me. But I couldn’t breathe on one side. So I rolled over on to the bad shoulder. I usually sleep good on that side. I roll over, and then my shoulder just screams. So I roll back over and try to get comfortable. Rinse, repeat.
So yeah, the coffee tastes really good this morning. I had gotten up in the night to go to the bathroom, and Chaucer was snuggled between Crystal’s legs.
It’s somewhat sunny out there. Just going with previous weather from the last couple of days, the sun won’t last. It’ll cloud over like it always does. I think it’s even supposed to rain sometime either today or tomorrow.
When will the rain end?
Work hasn’t been too bad. Closing always sucks, but it’s been pretty good. I’ve been doing the closing paperwork, so I’ve been learning that end. I encountered a problem, and WishJensenAckles tried to explain, but my brain just wasn’t accepting new information at 8pm at night, so I did what anyone would do – future Shawshank can deal with it. So I left a note saying that I’d be in 15 minutes earlier today, to learn how to do it.
But first: more coffee.
It’s almost the weekend. Thank god. Happy Thursday, y’all.