This club will hopefully be closed in three weeks that would be cool with me

Good morning everyone! It’s an overcast morning here so far, but the birds are singing, and hopefully, it’ll get sunnier, and warmer out before I take my mom to the rodeo this afternoon.

Speaking of the rodeo, I took my dad yesterday. Kind of a disappointment. We caught the tail end of the demolition derby, but were two hours early for the actual rodeo. I was hoping for a place to buy a souvenir. But there were only food shacks and a beer garden. So we left.

Hopefully it’ll be better today – watching the actual rodeo. Even if she doesn’t want to go, I’m gonna go and check it out.

But before I can play, I have to work. In about an hour, I’ll start all the chores. However before I can do that, coffee first.

Happy Sunday all you cool cats!

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