This ain’t a scene, it’s a goddamn arms race

Yawn. Good Monday morning everyone. The start of a new week, I actually like Mondays. I like them because this is the last day of the weekend for me. One last day to sit and do nothing.

There are no plans to really do too much of anything today. We don’t have to be anywhere, or to actually do anything. I really like days like this.

We’re just waking up, the elixir of life has been brewed, and we have the news on to catch up what we may have missed over the weekend.

It was a really good weekend. Day off on Friyay for Remembrance Day. Which was really good. We played our co-op game for a few hours. I’m really enjoying Cat Quest 2. Saturday morning we got up, and got ready to head to CaptialCity.

Aside from some TPMS issues, we made good time up to the city. The traffic wasn’t bad at all, and the weather was perfect to drive up. We chatted and listened to some pretty good music.

The first stop was Value Village. We’ll, that was the second stop. The first real stop was the dirt mall. We looked at all the booths, Crystal bought some flavoured honey for Christmas presents for her mom. I think she’ll like them. We tested the chocolate flavoured honey before buying it.

Next we went into Value Village. I bee-lined it to the book section. I’ve been looking for two years for a hard cover New Moon, and a soft cover Breaking Dawn. I was not lucky enough to find them. I’ll keep searching for them. A little disappointing, but I want going to let the ruin my day. Crystal, in the other hand single handedly bought all the sweaters in the store. She’ll be toasty warm this winter, and that’s a good thing!

Next, we struck out at the vape shop, but again cleaned out the local weed store. Then it was lunch time. We had really good, but slightly overpriced burgers. Then we went to everyone’s favourite store – Walmart.

What a zoo! We did manage to get a lot of stuff that we needed. After loading it all in to the back of the Hot Mess Express, we started to make our way back to TinyTown.

So all in all, it was a good weekend. Let’s hope this next week is a good week as well.


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