They’re magically delicious

Good warm morning everyone. It’s gonna be a hot one today, and for the the next couple of days. It was also a warm one whilst we slept last night. I know I was a warm little camper last night. We slept above the weighted blanket, but under another one. As I was falling asleep, my mind was saying “climb up, sleep on top of all the blankets.”

I didn’t sleep on top all the blankets, but I might tonight – depending on the temperature of the house. Pippin is upset that I didn’t open the back door this morning. Have you ever tried to reason with a kitten?

Spoiler alert: you really can’t.

It’s like a sauna in here…

This weather isn’t supposed to even be here yet. This is August weather. But that’s ok, I think ol Mother Nature is trying to make sure that Crystal is comfortable for her first summer here. Why not bring the Florida weather for her?

We did a whole bunch of nothing yesterday. We did head out to SlightlyBiggerTown for some supplies. Crystal needed makeup sponges – we went to the dollar store to price them out. I believe that Crystal will be ordering them online.

From there I quickly ran into the grocery store. I needed cereal and coffee. I had just enough at the Flat to make it until this morning. So I grabbed some. From there to the weed store. I bought some “summer glass”. A small unassuming bong that’s actually taller than my coffee pot. It’s a big boy for sure.

We got home, and I unboxed it. – shit that could’ve been a great TikTok for Crystal. She could’ve unboxed it. And filmed it. Shitballs. Anyways, since it’s our summer glass, it will be used when we’re out on the lanai – provided we get some citronella candles or something out there to take care of the buggies.

We took a couple rips shortly after we got home. Crystal settled into a crafty project, and me, armed with some weed in my system went to work on randomly wandering around killing bobokins as I found them in TotK.

Today is chore day. Yay chores.

But before all that – let’s get some coffee in us. Happy Sunday everyone! Stay frosty out there.

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