They’d rather give you a song than diamonds or gold Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis

Good Sunday morning everyone. According to the province, and their alert app, where under a heat warning for today. It’s going to be a steamy one out there today. And of course this is the day that we’re planning on being outside for a few hours this afternoon. That’s right, we’re going to do something. Just the next TinyTown over. It’s that time of year again –

We’re going to a rodeo! 🤠


So that means, the chores will be taken care of tomorrow, that way we’re not behind the eight ball when we’re planning on getting ready to leave. We invited my parents, but my dad will be working on his work truck – his daily driver. It died last week, and the parts came in. So that’s what he’ll be doing. So we’re taking my mom. It’s good for her to get out and do other things.

I went to work yesterday. Since the rodeo is a three day event, which started Friday. I figured we’d either have people in the store to “kill time”, or there would be no one in. The second thing happened. Not even a phone call. I don’t even remember hearing cars driving up and down the road in front of the store. The town was like a ghost town.

So after work, we travelled to SlightBiggerTown to grab groceries, etc. I remembered to actually make a shopping list which we actually almost followed. Both of us added some random items, but we didn’t go crazy or anything. After that we hit the dispo, and subway for some dinner as it was already 3:30ish.

So here we are; bright eyed, and bushy tailed. It’s already warm, and it’s only going to get warmer. Chaucer wants to get up on my lap, but I’m saying no, sir. Not right now. So he just climbed up on the back of the couch. Lazy Sunday, indeed 🙂

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