Well, the rain has stopped (for now). All we need is for the wind to stop as well. Hopefully that’ll stop soonish. Yep, here we are. Fresh out the bed. I’m getting used to second shift. It’s hard though, because two days out of five, I’m working mornings.
So it goes.
Last night was mostly slow, with the rain coming down. We did manage to get soaked. But about two hours before we closed, the rain stopped falling for the last bit of time was mostly dry outside. Yay!
Right after I hit post, on this fire ‘zine, I have to check the coat that I wore last night. It was pretty much wetttt. If it’s still dampish, I’ll toss it into the dryer for a little bit.
Back to work this afternoon. Delivery day. And for the next two days, I’ll be stumbling through the closing procedures. I know how to close, in theory. lol. So I’ll do it tonight and tomorrow, and probably once or twice next week, and then I’ll call it good.