These fragile bodies of touch and taste

Good morning everyone. Time to get up and greet the day – the day of Tues. it looks sunny and bright outside, and it’s warm enough to already have the door to the garage open.

I slept like a log again last night, only getting up once in the night, and I was able to go right back to sleep. The bed was so snuggly, I didn’t want to get up. But I did, made some coffee, and now I’m watching the Canadian today show. They have some of the worst jokes – I think even worse than Al Roker. If I remember, I have a joke for Crystal when I call her tonight.

I just passed chapter 5 in The Historian. I’m enjoying the slow burn story so far. It’s Tuesday, and only 15 more chapters before the first Book Club meeting. But it’s like I can see the future, and I’ll post about the first 20 chapters, and I’ll be the only one talking about it, and no discussions will follow. And that’s ok.

But, time to drink some coffee, and watch some TV, happy Tuesday!

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