These are the days when you wish your bed was already made

Good morning mes amies. It’s dark, but not too chilly out there for the few moments I was out there. It seems like the wind has died down. It snowed a little out there. Just a dusting though. Just enough to make you feel closed in standing on the little deck.

I slept ok last night. Chaucer, I think, was trying to get into a bag full of Christmas gifts that are supposed to go south. I took the bag from him. Then I could’ve swore I heard him getting sick. I couldn’t find any sick. So I tried to go back to sleep. That was around 4 this morning.

I managed to fall back to sleep, thankfully.

The alarm startled me when it went off this morning, and now here we are. Coffee. News. And a kitten in my lap. She’s not going to be happy when I hit publish, and have to get up. But she’ll get over it. Let’s go Tuesday!

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