Then put your warm little hand in mine

Good morning everyone. We’re in day 2 of a heat wave, north of the wall. You see, when it hits over 32c, we get a heat warning. And apparently, when it gets this hot, the wind that’s ever present, always blowing – simply stops.

So it’s this hot, and no air movement. It’s already 23 here, and expected to get hotter, and then this afternoon, we’re also expecting thunderstorms.

So with all that news, I’m gonna do my chores tomorrow, when it’s cooler both inside and out.

When it was time for bed, I climbed in and called for Pippin. She came up and look a minute or two to get comfortable. She started off about half an arms length from me, and slowly got closer and closer to me until she was on top of me, then moved about an arms length from me. She decided I was too warm. She settled in, and promptly fell asleep.

I bought a new alarm clock yesterday and set it up. The only thing I didn’t do was set the morning alarm. Even without the alarm, I managed to wake up shortly after 7.

Yesterdays trip to CaptialCity was good. Too many people, and too warm, but I got just about everything that was on my list. I did forget creamer, but before I got to Shady Acres for dinner I’ll run to the gas station to see if they have any there, along with milk.

I got a Roku. Lemme tell you, it’s feakin awesome. So awesome, I’ve unplugged the Chromecast, and it’s in a drawer right now. If Roku continues to be awesome, I’ll give it to my parents and they can put it in the camper. I bought another Chromecast for my mom for her craft room. That’s a total of 3 at Shady Acres. I’m totally dragging them into the 21st century.

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