Then all of your friends, they’d try to kill us but only because they’d be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bella’s

Back to work today.

Woke up a little early, but I managed to fall back asleep for 40 minutes. My eye is a little swollen this morning, but if it’s like yesterday, the swelling should go down through out the day.

Anyways, I think I’m on the road to recovery. According to Dr. Internet, it’ll be a couple of weeks before shingles runs it’s course. Course, I’m already tired of it.

I’m ready for it to go.

I have coffee, and have already taken an Advil to help with the swelling. It’ll get better.

But anyways, it’s Wednesday and that’s the middle of the week, so the week is half over. We can make it! Let’s kick it!

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