The stew that you’re cooking, it smells so good- it’s got everybody talking in the neighborhood

Good morning my super-friends. I believe it’s Saturday, and I slept in for about 10-15 minutes. Chaucer climbed over my legs a couple of times to signal to me that it was time to wake up. So, here we are; on the couch, news on, and a coffee in our hands. Don’t worry, the coffee is in a mug. So it’s not messy. We’re not holding hot liquid coffee in our hands unprotected.

I mean, we’re not animals.

Yesterday was a long-ass day. I drove out of TinyTown around 7:30 in the morning. I was on my way to CapitalCity. Being so far out of civilization, there was only one radio station the old work truck could pick up: talk radio. That was mind numbingly boring. But I stuck it out. On the way up, I saw I believe, 7 prairie dogs, and 3 llamas.

I did all the work related things that I needed to do, and quickly stopped at Walmart, picked up cereal, and Soda, and then went for lunch. Lunch was at McDonald’s. After my very quick gourmet lunch I was in the way back to TinyTown

I got back at 3:50ish. Unloaded the truck, did a couple of office related items, and boom! It was time to shut off all the lights, and head out.

I got home, and collected the gorgeous one, and we headed out for date night. As always, dinner was good. We headed back. It was raining. I don’t think it’s rained to any positive effect here for about 1-2 months. It rained for about 20 minutes. Not a lot.

I put on Wayne’s World. Let me tell you, that most has aged well. There’s no jokes that are too terribly bad or anything like that. It’s still very entertaining.

Ok more coffee. I don’t know what we’re gonna have for dinner. Last night’s highdea was to order a pizza from the not so great restaurant. Thinking about it now, that won’t be possible. The restaurant isn’t open today.

Frozen pizza?

We’ll figure it out.

Happy Saturday!

Oh! I totally forgot! Crystal set up her Etsy page! Go and check it out! It’s freakin awesome!! Do you want cool pants? Of course you do! Express your own individual individuality!

Enjoy!! Check it out!

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