The silence, the terror, the pain, the horror as you mom comes downstairs

Day 3 of the heat wave and it’s already warm. I’m not complaining at all. Better than cold, grey, and rainy. I was up about 10 minutes before my alarm, but I forced myself to try and sleep until my alarm went off. I did, and it did. So it’s another day started here in TinyTown.

I think it’s Thursday, it’s hard to tell without looking at a calendar, as I took an extra day off this week. But I’m pretty sure it’s Thursday, so we’ll go with that.

Work was pretty much dead yesterday. Had a couple of people come in. Nothing major. We did get a few things done which is always good. Today is our last day of freedom before BossLady comes back tomorrow.

Oh, would you look at that – coffee is ready. That’s my cue. Happy Thursday everyone!

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