Welp, here we are again. Up in the dark. I actually got up at 6:49. I really had to pee, but I was determined to go back to sleep. I did my thing, and crawled back into bed for the 10 minutes. I think I managed to get back to sleep.
Then the alarm went off.
Crystal got up about a minute or two before the alarm went off, so she did what she needed to do, then the alarm went off, and I heard the lights come on in the kitchen, and the switch to the coffee pot was clicked. So I got up.
Got dressed.
Here we are.
Nothing on deck for today, just the chores. Which I’ll start in a little bit. Since it’s still ass fuckingly cold out – -44°F with the wind (it’s warmer than yesterday morning!), I’ll be starting the truck, and taking it for a drive. Plus, one of the only things we forgot yesterday when we were getting groceries, was the litter. I’ll be stoping at work to grab some.
Since I work tomorrow, it’ll be the classic combination of chores and brunch day! Woohoo! Like I said up there, I’ll start that soon. But first, coffee and contemplation.

Happy Sunday/fun day everyone. I hope you’re warm wherever you are.