The Joker ain’t the only fool who’ll do anythin’ for you

Good Thursday morning my friends. It’s bright and sunny out there. Just the way I like it. Crystal says it’s supposed to be hot, hazy and sunny out there today. Hazy from the wildfires out west.

Work was pretty slow. I didn’t realize that there would be a third person there. NewNewGuy is doing his night training. I actually just sat outside for most of the evening. It was really nice. And thankfully we got out on time. WishJensenAckles is usually pretty scatterbrained when it comes to closing.

Last closing shift of the week is tonight. I would assume that it’ll be more of the same tonight. It’s all gravy, because it’s so nice out. But I’ll play it by ear.

But before all that, I’ll have to get ready. I’m thinking of a shower and of course, more coffee, and some lunch a little later on. So that’s what we’ll do.

Have a great Thursday y’all! We’re getting closer to the weekend!

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