A sound rang out in the middle of the night – a spoon falling into the sink.
I wonder which cat was on the counter?
I know that it’s not Chaucer.
I was told to go back to sleep. So sleep I did. I really didn’t want to get up this morning, as the bed was the perfect temperature, and I didn’t want to go out in the cold, cruel world.
But here we are, I can hear the tiny one digging in the littler box, and Chaucer is laying on my lap, keeping me warm.
Back to work this afternoon. A coworkers grandmother passed away late last week, and the funeral is today, so BossLady had to quickly change the schedule around. If it was the old schedule, I’d have already been at work for about 2.5 hours already.
I prefer the closing shifts.
Back to work. Coffee first.