Take the world in a love embrace

Good morning all. New Years Eve. The precipice if a new year. The hope of a better year than the last 365 days. Make a wish, only accept positive vibes. New year, new me. All that good stuff.

Only positive vibes.

I have lots of books, some place warm to sleep. And technology to talk to my beautiful wife. This year, the border will open and we’ll be reunited.

2021 will be a better year. Someday, we’ll find an old jacket in the back of the closet, and put our hand in a pocket. We’ll pull out an old mask, and laugh, and what a strange year. Then we’ll finish getting dressed, and as we’re walking out the door, reach for our trusty machete, and go out to forage for food, and kill some zombies. But we’ll always think that 2020 was the strangest year.

I love you very much.

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