He was looking for the place called Lee Ho Fooks


Good Saturday morning everyone. It’s time to get up and have that cup of coffee. Snuggle that cat, and, of course, wake up! That’s right it’s the day for the town wide yard sale bitches. The event starts in 3 hours.

In a little bit, after I get dressed, I’ll be popping up to Shady Acres to load up my mom’s truck, and unload it all over my front/side yard. We’ll also be unloading a bunch’s of stuff here.

Busy, busy.

But first, coffee.

I think I slept like the dead. I passed right out last night. That was a good thing. I was wicked sleepy, and almost forced myself to stay awake.

But the birds are singing, and so far the sun is shining. It seems really nice outside.

This was from a couple of days ago. I think today is 1402 posts in a row. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything 1402 times. Bow down, mortals!

When I was six years I broke my leg

Good morning y’all! Happy Saturday. I got up, dressed and had coffee brewing. Then decided to chance as its supposed to be almost 30c today. So I’m in shorts and my Patriots jersey. I have coffee in front of me, and I’m watching “Forged in Fire”. Good morning!

So, in about an hour, I’ll be heading a few streets over to go to a yard sale that is boasting; books, kitchen stuff, games, tools, etc. We’ll see if there’s any good books there.

In the THIS BELONGS IN A MUSEUM folder, I present to you a blast from the past. When floppy disks were all the rage. Gather around children, before flash-drives were a thing, you moved data around with floppy disks. I remember installing Windows NT via floppy. It wasn’t fun. I believe it was over 100 floppies.

I present to you; THE SONY MAVICA!

Behold it’s glory!

Well, I just got into town an hour ago

It’s Fri-Yay! Y’all made it! It’s a cool breezy day here in TinyTown. Yesterday was grocery day. We blew through it in record time, and was back to the house by noon.

I bought a bag of books dirty cheap at the second hand store, and set up my own bookshelf, moving some Nora Roberts and JD Robb out of the way to make room for some awesome books.

Watched Donnie talk at people last night. Standing ovations each time he said god. Fear mongering at its finest. It’s frustrating listening to him try so hard to emote and talk about love and then blame everyone else for what’s happened. Shut that off and went to bed.

It got cold in the night, but it was a good sleep. I always sleep better when it’s a little colder out. I was all snuggled in blankets and the alarm scared me this morning.

Today, I’m gonna be heading to a garage sale. The last one we went to was ok, nothing but crafts, but this one boasts “EVERYTHING MUST GO”, so we’ll see what they have to offer. I’ve been watching car shows so I now know how to negotiate very well. Maybe something will jump out at me. We’ll see 🧐