Got that Bourbon Street steak with the Oreo shake

Good morning! It’s Friyay! For the sake of moving the story along, we’ll say that I slept through the night without getting up twice because my knee locked up, and of course, having to pee.

It’s wicked windy out there today. Winds of about 50kph. It may not be that fast when you convert to mph, but I’m in the prairies, so that mean flat flat, flaaaaat land, with nothing to break up the wind or slow it down.

After work, I have to walk up to Shady Acres to drop off some mail, and to pick up the truck, because I’ll be going for some groceries tomorrow morning. Not a lot, but enough to make it another couple of weeks before the next pay cheque. I just think it’ll be nice to get out of TinyTown for a couple of hours.

But right now, coffee and some news. Happy Friyay everyone!