But they don’t mean a thing if you’re not with me

So sitting here and thinking about the book club I’d like to start, and Crystal is napping, so I can’t bounce ideas off of her, I decided to plow ahead full speed* and I decided the first book for my Lockup Library Book Club, and that is:

The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova.

There’s 79 chapters in the book so I broke it down like this:

  • Chapters 1-20 due Oct 10th
  • Chapters 21-40 due Oct 17th
  • Chapters 41-60 due Oct 24th
  • Chapters 61-79 due Oct 31st

I figure every seven days we come back and discuss the previous chapters, you know that deal – what we thought, where it’s going, etc.

* it’s better to keep my head thinking about this, otherwise, I’d really be freaking out about my mom taking my dad to the hospital 30 minutes away. His knee/leg is all swollen. I’m a little freaky-outie right now to be honest.

Big sigh