Book Club: Full Dark, No Stars

Before getting into the meat and potatoes of the Book Club, is like to draw attention to the new graphic. A couple nights ago, I asked Crystal for a couple new graphics for the site to inspire me and to make it look a little more professional. She’s awesome at them, so thank you so much baby!

Ok, week 2 of the Lockup Library Book Club. This months book is Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King. This week we’re talking about story number 2;

Big Driver.

This is a Lifetime movie waiting to happen. Oh wait, it’s already been turned into one. Not my favourite so far. At some points it was a little rambly.

Big Driver is a story about Tess, a lite mystery writer in a small town in Massachusetts giving a talk in the library. Tess only takes speaking engagements where she can drive, and at the most spend one overnight. At the end of her talk the organizer, Ramona, tells her of a shortcut that’ll shave some time off her drive home.

Tess takes the shortcut, and here’s where bad things happen. She gets a flat tire, and has to wait and hope that someone will drive past, as there’s no cell coverage.

Someone does drive by and stops to help. He doesn’t help though, he grabs her and rapes her multiple times and leaves her for dead.

It’s a story of retribution. Tess escapes and plans her revenge.

It was an ok story. I just don’t think it really was for me. I wasn’t really into it, when she started to talk to her gps like it was a person. I think along the way she pretty much had a mental snap as well.

I hope the next story catches my attention better than Big Driver did. But like I’ve heard before, you either really like King’s stories or you don’t.

So far, out of the two stories read, it’s 50/50.

On to the next story! See you next Sunday, friends!

But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be on your own front door*

Weird dreams last night. Stephen King only write his first 3 or 4 books, and was just a small time short story writer. No one had heard of him. I had a book of his short stories, with like half of them missing. Crystal had written in some from memory, and that prompted me to find him, and show him all the stories that he had missed over the years. Of course Crystal saved the day with her total recall memory.

Because of these dreams, I think I’ll be pushing Brave New World back a month, and read one of Kings books of short stories. Sorry everyone that voted for Brave New World, my subconscious beats y’all out for a month.

Then there was a short dream of Puerto Rican Jesuits – a story that King was working on. Also me trying to explain The Stand to him.

It’s almost Halloween though which is pretty awesome. The only unawesome thing? On both Netflix and Amazon Prime, no Rocky Horror. On Prime, I could rent it. Just another day, until Crystal gets here.

Are Puerto Rican Jesuits even a thing? I’m not really sure.

Weird, weird dreams. I can’t believe I can still remember them.

* blog title just for Crystal. Happy Friyay babes. Sorry about the snow that’s been forecasted. If it makes you feel better you and Stephen King got a long really well.