That’s just one small fraction of the main attraction

It’s gonna be one of those days I think. The older I get, the less I want people to talk to me right after I wake up. Just say morning, and let me be. I slept all through the night. It wasn’t the best of sleeps, but it was better than the night before. Every time a bad dream started, my subconscious simply said no, and for a second I woke up, and rolled over and fell back asleep. I did have a strange dream where I worked on one of those televised car shows. That was interesting to say the least. They made fun of me a lot.

But, don’t expect to have a conversation with me as I’m making my coffee. It won’t happen. Like ever. I am not a morning person.

I think today, I’m gonna sit down with Netflix, and watch Twilight. We’ll see though. I haven’t decided yet. Let me just get through that first cup of coffee, and we’ll go from there.

Moonlight, you’re just a heartache in disguise

Ok, happy Saturday. Didn’t have the greatest of sleeps, especially when you’re dreaming that you’re getting shock treatment. That, and mentally rearranging your bedroom at 2am. Usually, I fall right asleep. Last night for some reason, I was changing oil on a truck that I don’t own. But wished I owned. I’m in farm country now, and while I’d like a sports car, I’m looking for an older model Ford F-150 (1977-1989), or an El Camino. Then I was either too hot to be under the blankets, or too cold to be on top. Then it depended on which side I slept on wether or not I could breathe. Good times.

So I got up this morning, made some coffee, and then I got to work moving my room around. And funny enough, it was essentially exactly how I pictured it in my mind at 2am. Then my mom wanted a tapestry put up, so dad and I did that. My gramma found a mirror that she wanted hung, so I hung that.

Then, I vacuumed, steam-cleaned the floor in the living room, and hallway. I swept and steamed the bathroom floor, and sprayed down the shower with Scrubbing Bubbles. Once Shady Acres goes down for their afternoon nap, I’ll sweep and steam the kitchen floor. It’s been a busy morning.

So pretty much all I’ll really have to do later is make my bed. Everything that I’ve wanted to do is pretty much done. And I got 90% of it done before 10 am. Tonight, before bed, I’ll hop in the shower, so I’m clean to get in the clean bed. Other than the above, I don’t have anything else to do.