But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be on your own front door*

Weird dreams last night. Stephen King only write his first 3 or 4 books, and was just a small time short story writer. No one had heard of him. I had a book of his short stories, with like half of them missing. Crystal had written in some from memory, and that prompted me to find him, and show him all the stories that he had missed over the years. Of course Crystal saved the day with her total recall memory.

Because of these dreams, I think I’ll be pushing Brave New World back a month, and read one of Kings books of short stories. Sorry everyone that voted for Brave New World, my subconscious beats y’all out for a month.

Then there was a short dream of Puerto Rican Jesuits – a story that King was working on. Also me trying to explain The Stand to him.

It’s almost Halloween though which is pretty awesome. The only unawesome thing? On both Netflix and Amazon Prime, no Rocky Horror. On Prime, I could rent it. Just another day, until Crystal gets here.

Are Puerto Rican Jesuits even a thing? I’m not really sure.

Weird, weird dreams. I can’t believe I can still remember them.

* blog title just for Crystal. Happy Friyay babes. Sorry about the snow that’s been forecasted. If it makes you feel better you and Stephen King got a long really well.

There’s a fire in my heart and you fan it, Janet

There. I feel a little better. I had a panicked though; do I have the Rocky Horror soundtrack? A quick check, and I do. Phew.

Shady Acres went down for a nap, I went for a walk.

Time Warp – as loud as possible.

Doing the dance where no one could see me. Made me smile and happy. And sad that Crystal wasn’t here, laughing at me doing the dance.

So now, I’m just a little homesick. But still in a better mood than 30 minutes ago.

And it’s totally possible, that I’m the first person in TinyTown to walk down Main St, listening to the soundtrack. I surprised myself knowing almost all the words to the songs.

I rag on Rocky Horror for being the worst movie with the best soundtrack, but I’d give up everything I have to watch it with her this afternoon, curled up on the couch with the kitties.

Dr Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!