Younger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze

Good morning my friends. It’s a mostly sunny day there so far. I’ve looked at the weather app a few times yesterday, and it’s supposed to get cloudy again today. But it seems like a good day for a road trip. We’re heading to BiggerTown today to deliver a sectional, and to pick up an old one. Then it’s our day, mostly.

Shouldn’t be too bad. Crystal will be coming and helping me with the sectional. And I’ll have someone to talk to as we drive. That’s always nice.

Yesterday was totes relaxing. We didn’t do a whole lot of anything. I made brunch, which was really good, if I may toot my own horn*

After brunch, Crystal played Witcher 3, for a little while and advanced her storyline a lot. I ran out to the credit union and enquired about their debit/credit card. I should have it in about a week or so. I grabbed a box of shake and bake for dinner.

Before dinner, Crystal passed me the controller, so I fired up TotK. And fooled around a little. Somehow, I found my way to the sky islands, and happened to see the Light Dragon.

Hey, you wanna know the rest, buy the rights.

* toot toot

Everyone’s wondering, will you come out tonight

Good morning motherfuckers. It’s a somewhat bright and shiny day out. It’s windy, and we have a heat advisory active for the next two days. I’ll have the fans going when I leave at 8:30.

You heard that right. Ya boy is going on a road trip to CapitalCity this morning. It’s another trip to see how much I can get done in the shortest amount of time. And of course everything is all over the place. It should be a fun time of yelling at the idiots in front of me.

And traffic lights.

TinyTown doesn’t have traffic lights.

All in an effort to get back in time for the grad parade, which I’ll be streaming live down to Pensacola.

But first it’s coffee and contemplation. It’s also time for allergy pills.

Pippin is wide awake and tromping/running around the flat. I’m sure she’ll play for a little bit after I leave, and then fall asleep. I shut toaster off for the day, as it’ll be less stressful, as she’ll be alone all day.

So let’s get the day started!

‘Cause the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mister Right

Good morning party people! I’m up a little early today. The family wanted to go on a road trip to CaptialCity. I’m not one to turn down a free lunch, so I’m getting ready to go. I should receive a text around 8am telling me they’re on the way to pick me up.

I got up a little earlier to get some coffee into me, so I can be a functional member of society. It’s all good I’ll probably be in the passenger seat so I’ll be able to take some pictures out of the window.

I got up this morning and it was dark and a little chilly. It should slowly warm up throughout the day, but I don’t think it’ll hit positive temps. That’s ok, the Big Dog truck has heat – the downside of the Big Dog Truck is that the XM radio is tuned to “Willy’s Roadhouse”. Old school country.

Ok let’s get dressed and get some coffee on the inside. Happy Saturday y’all!

Apple bottom jeans (jeans) boots with the fur (with the fur)

Good morning all you party people! It’s Saturday, and today that means I’m going on a road trip! Woot! I’m getting out of dodge for the morning/afternoon.

Yep, I’m going to a populated town! Fast food for lunch. Then a quick trip to a bathroom, and then grocery shopping, and then a trip to Value Village!

Who’s excited!?

I am!

But first the coffee is brewing and the morning news show is on!

Now all I have to do is get dressed. How do you dress for a day that stays out at 11c, but is supposed to end up at 32c? I’ll let y’all ponder that.

Happy Saturday!