Watch the lightnin’ when it lights up the skies

Well, the weather finally caught up with us. It’s raining/drizzling out there. It looks like the sky has been leaking for a while now. The plants and grass will like the rain. I have a Chaucer on my lap, already. Pippin is looking out the door watching the rain drops fall.

The coffee has been brewed, and let me tell you that I can truly make a damn fine cup of coffee. It is pretty good. Not too bad for insert name of coffee that’s on sale, and tap water.

It’s Monday today, and that means it’s brunch day! The bacon has been defrosted, and in a couple of hours, I’ll be starting to cook. I always look forward to brunch day. I’ll be having the usual – bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Crystal will be having waffles, and some bacon. Maybe she’ll put peanut butter on the waffles today.

Other than that, I’d say that today is a day of sloth. I don’t think that I have to leave for anything, so it’s gonna be a nice day of pretty much doing nothing. So let’s get the day started!

Can I get my coffee refilled first?