We can ride it together, ah ha making love with each other, ah ha

Pippin got me up a little early this morning. She was using her tiny little claws on my milky white skin. I think she was just trying to get comfortable, but her little claws hurt.

Up and awake, I made coffee, fed the tiny beast, and got dressed. She’s sitting on my lap, purring away. She’s too cute to be mad at. It’s hard to sleep when it bright and sunny out.

Happy Thursday everyone! The skies have cleared and it’s sunny and calm outside. Supposed to be nice and warm today.


So let’s get this day started! We’re getting closer to the weekend! Can you taste it?

Let’s do this!

We’ve had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

Let me start off; choosing a good name is really, really hard. I’ve struggled with choosing a name since Tuesday.

The names I originally had in mind, didn’t fit. Not one bit. Disheartened, I pressed on to find the best name for her.

I narrowed it down to two. Crystal suggested that I flip a coin, and as it was flipping, I’d know which name I’d want for her.

It flipped the way I had hoped.

So let me introduce properly this time, Pippin. Claws of steel, snuggle monster, demander of attention.

Phew! It’s done!

Cat? I’m a kitty cat! And I dance, dance, dance and I dance, dance, dance

Well. Last night was interesting. It took the kitten a couple of hours to settle down and then she climbed under the blankets with me and slept under my chin or on my arm.

She’s currently somewhere in the bedroom right now I think the alarm kind of scared her. She did use the litter box last night.

Thankfully I have coffee this morning because I think we were both light sleeping because we didn’t know what to do.

Outside, it is raining and it is very windy outside. Hopefully, it’ll get nicer out today.

Happy Wednesday everyone!