That’s great, it starts with an earthquake

From what the calendar says, it’s Monday, and it’s sunny, and windy out. It’s probably cold. I haven’t opened my weather app, and at this point I’m afraid to.

But I have coffee.

We’ll see what today brings. I believe my dads taking a half day, so he and my mom can go into SlightlyBiggerTown, to fill his prescription. I’ve already heard his phone going off.

I slept like a rock last night, so I’m feeling pretty ok so far this morning. I think it’ll be a good day, even though it’s a Monday. Stay safe out there, people.

You make me holler woah woah woah

Good morning to you, and you, and you. It’s a froggy day here in TinyTown. And so far the plan is for my mom and gramma to start canning 50lbs of tomatoes, which I’ll try and get some pictures of that. Then they’ll be going to SlightlyBiggerTown to get my moms meds, and I’ll be hanging back to finally mow the lawn. I better mow today, I’ve been trying to do it for 3 days.

But right now, its coffee and home improvement shows. I watch these shows and think “I can totally do that.”, then you put the tool in my hand. And it’s a tool holding a tool! Ha

I’ve done a couple of German lessons, and as if writing this, I’m number one in the bronze league. But like I just told Crystal, bronze league is like; congratulations, you know how to tie your shoes! I’m having fun, but who knows if it’s sinking in.

I passed right out last night. No weird dreams that I can remember, only up a few times to pee, and I actually climbed under the blankets for the last couple hours. Maybe tonight, I’ll be able to dive into ‘Ship of Theseus’

It’s day 3, I believe of guess the lyrics in the title. Ima need answers including song and band in the comments. Good luck!