Making out on that old pull-out couch

Good morning, happy Wednesday. Hump day, the day of the jumps. How’s everyone doing? I learned that since the sun is coming up earlier, I really need to close the curtains in the bedroom. It was so bright this morning. I was up around 6ish, I think. And dozed until the alarm went off.

Yesterday was a short day at work. I got there, and BossLady had just landed in CapitalCity. She’d been up since Sunday morning. I took in a huge delivery of two sofas – which each they were over 200lbs. I was worried that I’d hurt my neck a little, and my back. – but it’s just my arms that are wicked sore.

After I had taken in the furniture, I basically had permission to head home for the day. So that’s what I did. I came home had a bowl of cereal for lunch. I told Crystal that she could do her smut thing in the bedroom while I played BotW.

I really have to remember to get the screen captures off of the Switch this afternoon. So I can post some pictures. Yesterday, I got the Master Sword. I’m almost ready to not fight any of the Guardians. They scare the bejesus out of me.

Happy hump day!

I’m-a just mad about-a fourteen a-she’s just mad about me

I learned a small, but valuable lesson early this morning: turn my bed on either later, or reset it before I go to bed.

I woke up briefly at 5:37. You know, just to see what the time was. Then I felt it – a cold bed. The bed had shut off probably a half hour earlier.

I curled up in a small ball in hopes of preserving some warmth. It almost worked. Then I woke up at 6:47. I tied to go back to sleep, but it was a light sleep. I ended up getting up about 5 minutes before the alarm went off.

Happy hump day y’all. Stay warm. It’s -42 with the wind. Ugh.

Throw your love around – love me, love me

Good morning party people. It’s Wednesday and it’s time to get up and greet the day. Coffee is brewing, and I’ll need it. I was tossy and turny all night. And to cap it all off at 12:35 my brain said ok, you have anxiety about your new job, here let’s throw police coming to the door to really mess with you. Up, wide awake for about 5 minutes. Then it was just weird dreams all night. Until the last dream of the night:

I was living in an apartment. The whole place was having a party, complete with Chinese food. I knew some of the people. It was a mix of people from Wyatt, and from when I was in cadets. I snuck away to the “common library” and found Crystal a coffee mug, and a copy – hardcover of Breaking Dawn Pt. 1. I didn’t even know that they split up the book like they did the movies. Who knows if they actually did in real life.

Yesterday just as I get to work, my phone rings. I don’t recognize the number but I answer it anyways. It’s one of the ladies from the second hand store asking if i can help unload their trailer. I tell her no I can’t, because I got a job and I’m at work. She sounded really annoyed that I couldn’t come. I apologized, and hung up. They had 5 months to ask for help. It’s just my luck that they finally call on my second week of work.

Anyways, happy Wednesday. May you day be full of caffeine, laughs, and a considerable lack of idiots.