Tell me whatcha wanna do, whatcha gonna do?

Good morning everyone! It’s Saturday, and it’s dark outside. I’m up with coffee, and Crystal is becoming human.

It was a glorious lazy day here at the Flat. We played a couple of hours of Cat Quest 2, and gained about 7 or 8 levels. It’s a really fun game. I like beating on things until they stop moving.

After that we cooked dinner and settled in to watch a movie. We watched Clerks 3. Wow. What a beautiful love letter to the original film. So much nostalgia. I was in tears a couple of times at the end. Kevin Smith, while being the king of fart jokes, etc can sure write himself some very touching dialogue. All I could think of at the end, was they look so young in the flashbacks. SO VERY YOUNG.

They were. The original move came out in 1994. 28 years ago it came out. Wow. It still feels like the 90s were 10 years ago.

After that heavy heavy movie, I needed something to cleanse the palette to say the least. Crystal suggested Bad Boys for Life. It was a very good popcorn movie for sure with just enough of a plot/storyline to make it passable. You can really notice that these characters are getting older, there were less stunt-fighting. But still a quality flick.

We’re off to CapitalCity for a day of shopping. It’ll be a long day, but a good day.

Pitter patter…