Long live our noble Queen god save the Queen

Weird, weird dreams. I’d blame Crystal, but this was all my subconscious.

We flew to England. I went right to a book store, and bought a copy of Breaking Dawn.

I flew all the way to London. You know London; fish, chips, cup o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary Poppins? London!

But at the same time, I’m pretty sure I picked up first edition copies of Harry Potter.

I also had a toaster oven. But it wasn’t a toaster oven. It was an actual oven, just shrunk down to the size of a toaster oven.

But it wasn’t a toaster oven.

Ok, coffee now.

Baby, it’s the thistle in the kiss

Another day, another night of weird dreams. Batman, living above a mall which was also a university. Strange, I say, strange. I was still tossy turny, and stuffed up, but I think it’s getting better. If not, I’m told I’ll be going to the doctor.

Coffee is brewing.

It was an ok thanksgiving yesterday. Lots of food. I ate my feeling yesterday. But you know what? Today is a new day! Grab it by the pussy, and take what’s yours!

Or don’t, if you’re an actual human. You do you. Happy Tuesday!

Oh, thunder only happens when it’s raining

I remembered a dream!

Picture it: Main St. TinyTown – the street is wide enough to actually do this.

A foodtruck – painted bright red, with a white Anchor Bakes logo on it, and awning, and two picnic table in front of the food truck.

Cupcakes, Coffee, and Company.

Soup, and sauce on Sundays.

That was what took me a while to fall asleep.

Your mouth so hot, your web I’m caught

Weird dream #1

When I was (and I’m guessing) 5 or 6 (I think) I had a dream that I climbed the hill across from my house. I call it a hill, maybe a small mountain. I found a cave and went into explore. I found a huge room in it with flags and all that sort of stuff. Well this dream, I went back with Crystal and a couple other people. It looked exactly the same, but with more details. Lots of crossbows on display. But more like a Masonic temple. It was just like I was a kid again. Some many details it’s hard to really describe. Like a whole other world in that cave, with history and everything.

Weird dream #2

I was working in the electronics section of like a JC Penny or a big box store like that. Commission based. We were having a huge sale, and of course I’m new, but I’m the manager. I have a customer looking seriously and this beautiful 32 or 42 inch plasma screen and the biggest DVD player I’ve ever seen. But I can’t find the inventory screen to see if o even have more on stock. I just ended up selling the floor stock, WITH the extended warranties, AND got their address.

I’m surprised I remembered these to write them down. Happy Sunday!