That’s just one small fraction of the main attraction

It’s gonna be one of those days I think. The older I get, the less I want people to talk to me right after I wake up. Just say morning, and let me be. I slept all through the night. It wasn’t the best of sleeps, but it was better than the night before. Every time a bad dream started, my subconscious simply said no, and for a second I woke up, and rolled over and fell back asleep. I did have a strange dream where I worked on one of those televised car shows. That was interesting to say the least. They made fun of me a lot.

But, don’t expect to have a conversation with me as I’m making my coffee. It won’t happen. Like ever. I am not a morning person.

I think today, I’m gonna sit down with Netflix, and watch Twilight. We’ll see though. I haven’t decided yet. Let me just get through that first cup of coffee, and we’ll go from there.